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STEM 8 OpenText

Templeton Science, Technology, Engineering and Math OpenTextbook


Number represents, describes, and compares the quantities of ratios, rates, and percent. Computational fluency and flexibility extend to operations with fractions

STEM Core Math: Fractions / Decimals / Percent

BC Content Area: Percent

·less than 1 and greater than 100 (decimal and fractional percent)

·What is ½% of 1 billion?

·The population of Vancouver increased by 3.25%. What is the population if it was approximately 603,500 people last year?

KA Decimals

KA Percent

BC Content Area: Fractions

·operations with fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and order of operations)

·includes the use of brackets, but excludes exponents

·simplifying ½ ÷ 9/6 x (7 – 4/5)

KA Fractions

BC Content Area: Ratio

·numerical proportional reasoning (rates, ratio, proportions, and percent)

·two-term and three-term ratios, real-life examples and problems

·A string is cut into three pieces whose lengths form a ratio of 3:5:7. If the string was 105 cm long, how long are the pieces?

STEM Core Math: Unit Conversions

BC Content Area: Surface Area and Volume

·surface area and volume of regular solids, including triangular and other right prisms and cylinders

·strategies to determine the surface area and volume of a regular solid using objects, a net, 3D design software